Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I send my dear apologies for being M.I.A these past two weeks! I have been a real {blogger} slacker. So much so, that I must explain... not only explain reasons for why I was M.I.A, but reason for why I might be this way throughout the entirety of the summer! I admit now, I'll probably be very fickle with blogging! Let me start with the silly reasons first. I blame my lack of 'getting dressed' motivation on living in the south. It is so hot, muggy, & humid here that most of the time I don't even want to leave my apartment. Therefore, I don't get dressed in the morning & I stay in my comfy yoga pants and tanks. This is nothing picture worthy or blog worthy! And when I do have to leave my apartment, I usually have a go-to outfit such as the one below because the heat makes me sweat like crazy & I need to know that I can hide it. Not to mention neither one of our cars have a/c so I sweat even more than the normal person! This outfit is perfect because the shirt is thick enough you can't see sweat marks, but loose enough that it's (somewhat) cool!

Shirt: thrifting
Shorts: thrifting
Purse: Vera Bradley 
Shoes: Walmart

I will also be traveling back & forth like crazy this summer between Columbia & Greenville. As most of you know, my parents are in the process of making a huge move across the country to Omaha, NE! My dad actually moves in less than a week! Meaning, all the boxing, moving, cleaning, painting (house work), & getting the house rented is up to me and my mom. She won't be able to move until the house is officially rented out! This also means, once she is ready to move (in July), Jonny & I will be taking another long 20hr drive to Omaha & staying at least a week or two to help them move, unpack, & settle in. ... CrAzY Summer ahead of us!

Also, you might want to know that my husband is taking over the computer!! He finally has all the equipment he needs to start recording some quality tracks for his next CD! This is the little get-up he's set up for himself & where he locks himself away...

Posts to look forward to:
- A Friendview with my beautiful sister in-law, Jaci!
- Part 4 of Thrifting Tips
- Photo posts from our upcoming escapades in House-sitting, 
2yr Anniversary, my 23rd Birthday, & travels!
- {possibly} another 30 day challenge w/ Kendi & some other bloggers!

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