Wednesday, June 15, 2011

So Spoiled!

Turning 23, today!!

I must dedicate this post to my A-MAZING husband! He loves me and cherishes me way more than I ever deserve and he has proved that today. He has spent so much time and effort to making this birthday a special day! And he has done just that x100000... I woke up to him bringing me my favorite Panera breakfast in bed. He then gave me a coupon for a nice mani & pedi, plus my shopping spree for this weekend! And he still has another 'fancy' surprise date planned for this weekend, which I'm completely stumped at what it could be. Dressing up & having to make reservations?!? We've never done anything like this before, so I'll definitely let you in on the secret once I know what it is! He fully deserves the Best Hubby {ever} award. Not because of all these fading materialist gifts, but because he goes out of his way to know me & to love me in every way possible! I love him so much, beyond what words can say! 

Thanks Babe, for making my Birthday so special!


  1. wow! you do have a thoughtful guy! happy birthday! i hope you have a fantastic time celebrating :) xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  2. happy birthday! do share where you go! i like smoke on the water! and a shopping spree is a perfect gift!

  3. how fun! happy birthday!!
    ps... are those iced cupcakes?

  4. Happy Happy Birthday!! :)

    Hope its SUPER amazing!!

  5. Thanks for all the Birthday love! :-)
    It really was an amazing day & I can't wait to share even more about it after the surprises of the weekend.

    - Talley: they are not Iced cupcakes, however I LOVE Iced & it happens to be right up the road from my house. But they're from a livingsocial deal I got for a new place in Mauldin called Buttercream Bakery! Still just as good.

  6. ah ok! the box looks similar. i've never been to buttercream bakery but now it looks like i have an excuse!!


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