Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 12: Wardrobe malfunction

A little preface for this outfit post... There was a little mishap the other day & lucky it happened before leaving the house... apparently I wore these jeans so much that they wore out so thin in the butt that the second I bent over to cuff them, they ripped! Like I said, I'm VERY glad this happened at home and not at the restaurant.

Shirt: Marshal's
Jeans: Plato's Closet (Express)
Shoes: Target
Jewelry: Antiquing

Day 12. Because these jeans were part of the 30 day challenge, after this wardrobe malfunction, I immediately switched the jeans out for the lovely {hole-less} pair above... I'm a little disappointed because these jeans aren't as cuff-able for capri's to stay cool in this scorching heat! I guess I'll have to start looking for some new jeans...

1 comment:

  1. that totally happened to me once...'cept i was leaning over on the grass with my butt facing the street. gah! EM.BARR.ASSING. sorry it happened to you, but, yeah. in-home malfunctions are manageable. :)
    LOVE the pops o' turquoise here.
    -brittney (fellow 30x30 remixer; come on by if you'd like!)


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