Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday's Fancies

Friday's Fancies

Welcome to this weeks Friday's Fancies!! This weeks theme over on {av's} link up is of course, Fourth of July inspired looks! I'll be honest & say that we really don't have plans for the Fourth... This weekend is the start of a chaotic month for me! And I apologize in advance if I start slacking more and more on blogging this month. I will literally be out of town the entire month of July! Like I said, chaos & busyness... If I were to have plans, I'm sure we would be adventuring downtown for the huge yearly firework show after a nice dinner out & this would be my dream outfit to wear!

* Don't forget that if you like my outfit, you can head on over to LongDistanceLoving and put a vote in for my look by "liking" my outfit! Just click the button below...

 OR if I could really have my dream Fourth of July celebration I would throw a huge backyard party as a birthday celebration for my sister & I'd utilize all the fun ideas I've found on Pinterest! Too bad she lives thousands of miles away from me... She was lucky to be born on a holiday like the fourth because she can look outside and see that everyone is celebrating her birthday (& of course America's birthday) with her!! Cheers to you, Sheila!

 Happy Fourth of July!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Can't believe 28 is almost here!


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