Monday, August 27, 2012

Life Lately

First, let me just say I have been so blessed and thankful for how easy my pregnancy has been this far! I know so many girls that had crazy side effects and awful sickness throughout the entirety of their pregnancy... and I can't say the same for me! I know I mentioned morning sickness in my previous post, but in all honesty I can hardly call it that. I was sick maybe 6 (random) times during my first trimester and sleepy here and there, but it was nothing that over took me! Really, the only major effect I've had is that I lost my appetite and gained a (very) strong gag reflex for several months (which is the cause of those few sick moments), but that is slowly changing! 

... and the other major change that happened is my ever growing belly! It seems like I had to transition into maternity clothes over night. It was like there was no warning my body was growing, I just woke up and BAM I had a big belly, meaning new clothes. You'd think that'd be a fun excuse to go shopping, but really it was & is kind of stressful! It is so hard to find reasonably priced maternity clothes around here. Very few stores carry them and if they do it's maybe one or two racks full and super pricey... Luckily, I'm surrounded by great friends who are always on the look out for me and my wonderful boss who found me some great staple items at a second hand store! So I'm all set for now at least.

We have slowly been transitioning the house for our little ones arrival... I know it's still pretty early to be nesting, but we've looked over our schedule and from here on out our schedule is crazy! So we figured 'better safe than sorry'. We had to switch all the bedrooms around and move furniture so we could start getting the nursery ready. Once that was done the hubs put several hours into painting the nursery this beautiful gray marble. It turned out exactly how I had pictured it and now I can't wait to find out the gender, only 3 more weeks, so I can find those special pieces with the accent colors to brighten up this space! [the accent colors will be, boy: robins egg blue, orange, lime green & girl: Bright pink, orange & teal]... I'm hoping these 3 weeks go by super fast because I'm so eager to have a name with my sweet baby!

People keep asking me if I'm ready to be a mom, and until recently my answer was that it hadn't really sunk in yet. I was being too logical and in planning mind-set that the emotions hadn't hit me. Just this past weekend when getting the nursery ready is when the excitement & joy really sunk in and took over... I am so. so. sooo ready to be a mom and to love my child with everything I have! And I can't wait to see God work in ways we haven't seen before...

1 comment:

  1. The nursery is super cute!
    Love reading that you are excited to be a mama... So much joy awaits you!


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