Thursday, March 6, 2014

It's March!

Yes, March has just jumped out in front of us and yelled "Surprise, I'm here!" faster than I could see it coming! As I've been catching up with friends recently, hearing the typical question "what have you been up to lately?", I stop in my tracks realizing, I really have no clue & my mind is blank! That is how fast paced & blurred my life has become the past couple of months... So, I've forced myself to sit down, reflect & take it all in! 

It's March. My son is now walking. He is now talking (saying hi, mama, dada, doggy, & ruff-ruff). He's starting to understand concepts. He's becoming extremely sensitive (if I tell him 'no', he starts crying & running to me for a hug)! He loves to play & get into things he shouldn't (such as throwing everything into the trash can). He loves snuggles. He is currently getting his molars. He absolutely loves being outside (bring on the spring weather, please!). And he usually enjoys sleep (he hears the word 'nigh-night' & immediately snuggles into your shoulder). His sweet smile & giggle have my heart wrapped around him tighter than I'd ever imagined! A love I've never seen, felt, or understood.

Aannnd it's March. My hubby's birthday month (I better start planning). A prime tax-return month (money money money - it makes the world go 'round). The cleaning month (yes, spring cleaning has started in our home). And a month of motivation... Those few days here & there with sunny 70 degree weather truly bring me so much joy & refreshment that I start feeling renewed! Renewed of hope (it's a new season) & of life! It makes me want to get out and accomplish things I usually have no desire for! Recently, the two prime areas are crafts/using my creativity skills... and relationships, which include investing quality time (which also includes motivation for organizing/planning)! 

Yea, so it's March. A {new} month. A month I'm utilizing to refocus, prioritize, and plan! All for the sake of my family's future. Whether that's new ways to love or care for each other. Or what's financially best for our family (jobs, budgets, vacations). Or what's best for my marriage (date-nights, get-aways, intentionality). Or  how I mother. What's best for my son & his future. Or better yet, my faith and how I live it out!

March brings a new season, Spring...  with that I want to bring a new season in my life and re-define  my purpose and where I'm heading! I don't want life to just be a blur... I want it to be intentional & fruitful for God's plan! 

 {Here's to the start of a beautiful Spring season!}

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