Saturday, October 23, 2010

Being 'Laid off'.

I am very thankful for multiple opportunities I have had in the past week!
Last Wed. we had our Teen night for the apartment ministry and Jonny had the opportunity to pray with the boy who came and I was able to give him a Bible of his very own. The very next day, at the shelter I was able to give another boy his very own Bible. I am excited because I know that God can do so much through His word and now there is an open opportunity for that with these two boys! God is continually opening doors... This past Tuesday, we had a group of boys chase our car down as we pulled into the apartments because they thought we had Kids Club every week (they did not understand what 'every other week' means). This was the most adorable and encouraging thing that happened to me this week! To know that these boys enjoyed themselves enough and liked us enough to come back and to search the apartment complex to find us so we could meet this week, filled my heart with joy! One boy was almost crying because we weren't there... so precious!

The rest of the week was rather discouraging... yesterday when I arrived to work I was called into my boss's office to be informed that there are 'cuts' being made for financial reasons. We have been at 10 boys all month which is very low. During a normal day with those 10 kids, there was also 9 employees on site! This ratio in the end does not work financially. Therefore, when I leave on Wed. to go to Idaho I will no longer be employed by Miracle Hill! I acknowledge that this is an answer to prayer because of all the questioning of what to do since I don't agree with some things going on there. And in so many ways I am very excited to see where God takes me next. But, as excited as I am, I am just as discouraged... the simple fact of being 'let go' is never fun and it also causes basic repercussions! Jonny and I feel like we had just settled down and fell into a routine and now we're uprooted again. Financially we had just gotten to a point where we had budgeted and planned for things in the future, now those are all on hold again. Also, I am continually fighting the urge to blame myself for losing my job which I know is crazy, but there's just something about being told you can't work any more ( I can't explain all the feelings that go with 'being let go')... however, for now I must continue to remind myself of how much of a blessing this loss really is and that God's timing is perfect! I am excited to see where God takes me next!

During this time of searching I plan on focusing on my Tastefully Simple business, along with my photography! (if you're interested in either of these services, please let me know)... Jonny is LOVING both of his jobs and is excited to see God continually working in our lives!

1 comment:

  1. Being let go sucks, but I believe that this is God opening another door for you that you will love even more! When I come down to Greenville in November we'll have to have a good photo sesh because I don't have any good recent ones! And you're still coming up here to do a TS party in December right? So looking forward to seeing you guys!!


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