Monday, October 4, 2010

Things on my mind...

Here I am in Columbia. without Jonny. for an entire week! It's really starting to ware on me. It's kind of like that statement "you never know what you have till it's gone"... in a weird way I've been feeling that a lot the past couple of days. Not that I have 'lost' him or anything, but the simple fact that he is gone allows me to see the drastic change from when he's with me and when he is not! He is too good to me & loves me so much! I am BEYOND blessed to have such an amazing husband who loves God and loves me. I miss him so much ... and I miss our puppy!

Throughout this conference I'm attending for "emergency shelters", I have gained an awareness for the need of good/educated workers within children's lives who have been effected with great trauma and crisis! It breaks my heart that these children are not only suffering because of awful family situations, but that within the states custody they still do not have the best help/care they could! Simply because a lot of the staff that is hired is uneducated... Therefore, a lot of these kids do not get the counsel, love, and guidance they need, esp. during the traumatic experiences they go through! It doesn't only break my heart for the kids, but also for the uneducated staff. Meeting and interacting with a lot of them today, really shocked me. Shock from a lack of simple educational skills (spelling, communication, comprehension, etc) and lack of training skills (specifically for their field of work). I do not blame those workers, in fact I am thankful that they have these jobs and are willing to provide help in the way they do, but I do blame our government and the organizations for not giving adequate training & educational opportunities to the staff they do choose to hire! These kids NEED the staff and their love and NEED counsel desperately when they are brought into our care because of the trauma and crisis they are experiencing!

All of this rant and ramble to say, it has really made me reconsider what I am doing... and made me think maybe I should do more! Maybe find a job more direct to my major, psychology. or maybe be a case worker and help these kids or become a childcare worker... OR just maybe go back to school for more education and training!!! ..... (just some thoughts)!

Other things on my mind... I LOVE fall time! Cold weather. sweaters. hoodies. bright colored leaves. carmel apple cider. pumpkin bread. wonderful smelling candles. peppermint mocha's. candy corn. scarfs. chili. soup. and on & on & on....

I have been working on my photography lately... trying to do more with it! So, I created a separate blog for all my pics. I am still updating it with older photo's but please continue to check it out!

Lastly, because it is fall time and Christmas is sneaking up on us... I know everyone loves get-togethers and food, therefore YOU should host a Tastefully Simple Party! I am starting to pick things up again w/ my TS business and I'm really trying to book up the next couple of months with parties!! To host all you have to do, is get some product from me, buy the ingredients to make the products, invite at least 10 friends, and then have fun with your friends tasting all the goodies you made!! Who doesn't LOVE friends and food?!? Please let me know if you are even slightly interested!! O, and you DON'T have to live in Greenville to host! :-)

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