Saturday, September 25, 2010

Emotional Roller Coaster

The only way for me to really explain this past week is to call it an "emotional roller coaster"! We have been living here in Greenville for a little over two months now. Remembering from last time I moved, this really is a crucial time in the moving process, simply because two months gives you enough time to fully settle into your place and routine, and lose all the busyness and hustle & bustle from adjusting! This gives you time to sit and process where you have been the past three months and take it all in.

What made this all hit me this week was several different situations...

1) Work has not been the greatest these past couple of weeks. Conflicts between staff members, tough decisions for me to stand for what I believe is right, frustration, anger, confusion, and flat out drama. I will spare you many stories and details for other peoples protection! The questions eating me alive right now are "why am I working here" and "now that Jonny has a job do I really need to be working here (not solely bc he has a job but bc I don't agree with some things going on at work)".

2) We have finally committed to a great church where Jonny has the opportunity to lead! I am so excited about this and ready to start building relationships. But as eager as I am, I have to remind myself often that friendships and relationships take time to build. The fact that we have only been going to the church for 2 weeks now and have attended a small group once, says a lot of why we don't completely fit in yet or have friendships built!

3) And lastly, the fact that Jonny is going to be gone ALL weekend (8-6 fri, sat, sun) at training for Apple! This is great and exciting news! He is loving it so far and talks very highly of the company, but in my selfish mind I go back and forth between excitement and the thought "what am I a going to do all weekend?". I thought through the possibilities and realized I have no stable friendships here in Greenville, yet. I have only had the opportunity to meet people here through work (work friends) and church, but like I stated in #2 we have only settled in this church for 2 weeks! The two people I would usually lean on being with or talking too would be my mom and my sister. But, my mom is currently in Africa and my sister is in Idaho with no cell phone reception. From these thoughts and conclusions, I have been overwhelmed by mixed emotions... loneliness, fear, boredom, excitement, missing family, home sickness, realization, anxiety, etc.

Ending this blog, I must state that we are TRULY blessed and have had an amazing time settling into our new lives here in Greenville! But, the reality is like Dr. Layman always said "God grows things and God takes His time"... So we wait patiently and trust Gods timing!


  1. i love you and miss you so much!! wish i was there or you were here so we could have a shopping day today. :) you should use this time to get some crafting or scrapbooking done! or just waste your day on hulu like i do haha!! hope to see you guys soon!!!

  2. Kari Marshall and I were just talking about that the other day... "God grows things". Such a simple concept but yet so vital! I'm excited to see how He grows you both during this new season!

    - Heather Forrest


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