Thursday, September 9, 2010

People are reading!

So I was just skimming through some of our old posts and realized for the first time that people have been commenting on them... with that said I figured I would write a blog answering some of the questions I saw and update you guys once again!!

1) Jonny is doing A LOT better! The scabs are in the process of healing and removing themselves (to put it nicely)! He is feeling back to normal and fully energized again! Thank you all for your concerns and prayers. We are very thankful it did not last the full 3 weeks like we thought it was going too!

2) Jonny has officially started his job as "worship leader" at Summit Church! He will be leading two services this Sunday morning. He came home today and said "I love my job... I get my own office and everything!" He is VERY excited about this opportunity!

3) Jonny has heard from Apple... it has been a delayed process though! We are positive he got the job but there has been a mix up trying to get his background check. They are waiting for that until they "officially" offer him the job! Some how having two email addresses confused the process and the third party company doing the background check couldn't get a hold of Jonny for confirmation. But it is all squared away and it is in the process now! However, the dilemma now is whether the background check comes back in time for Jonny to do the paper work before the training day... if not he could have to wait another month or so before there's another training session. So please keep praying about this situation!

4) We are excited that there are many events on the calendar for our apartment ministry! The first kids club was suppose to be last week, but being that Jonny had shingles and didn't want to give anyone chicken pox, we had another couple come in to do the lesson but no kids showed up! Please be praying that kids will show up next week to both teen night and kids club! Also, this Sunday I am having a craft day for anyone in the complex that wants to come. We are praying that God's will will be accomplished through this ministry!

5) Other updates... I am very excited about a trip to visit my sister next month in Idaho! It should be such a sweet time (for many reasons... explain later)! I'm excited for her in this new journey... they just moved out there about a week ago and she found a part time job and a duplex they just moved into! Please keep Sheila and Mike in your prayers as they are still in the process of raising full support before Mike can start working for Youth Dynamics, the reason they moved out to ID in the first place!

6) We are still loving our apartment! It is extremely cozy... and I am very thankful for the amount of time Jonny & I are able to spend together! I have such an amazing hubby!

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