Monday, December 20, 2010


I was just sitting here looking through all my pictures from 2010 and realized what an amazing year it was and how blessed we were with so many new opportunities!

Main Highlights: We started the year with our first cruise, then traveled to Chicago, got the most wonderful puppy ever, Jonny graduated, traveled to St. Louis, then Chicago again, celebrated two weddings and two new sisters, had a wonderful relaxing family vacation at the lake, moved to Greenville with great jobs and joined a wonderful apt. ministry, Jonny is leading worship, I got to travel to Idaho & Washington State, we received a free car & washer and dryer set, and we have spent some great/ quality time with family and friends! The list could go on and on... but I will stop there!

God has continually blessed us in so many ways! What a wonderful year it has been and I hope the same for this next year! Here's to remembering God's work and blessings in our lives throughout 2010 and praying for the same in 2011...

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