Monday, December 20, 2010

Early Christmas

A little of Christmas has come early for us!
[I must preface this story with letting you know that this summer on family vacation Jonny's white gold wedding band flew into lake Hartwell while tubing and jet skiing!]
About two weeks ago I was walking around the mall with Jonny and had to take my pearl ring in for repair since the pearl fell out. While waiting for some help, I was pointing out wedding bands to Jonny to see what ones he liked. I pointed to the ring I had already bought him for Christmas and his response was " I don't like that one, it's to weird!" ... I was so bummed and embarrassed that I had to tell him I had already bought it! Not only bummed that he didn't like it, but that it was going to be the biggest Christmas surprise at our house! So now the surprise was ruined and he didn't like what I picked out... the ring finally came in from special order and Jonny decided he did like it after all, but it was too small! After going in to the store several times and talking to several different associates (craziness since they weren't going to let us return it since it was a special order), we finally ordered it in the right size... All that to say, today we picked up Jonny's special Christmas present and he's already wearing it!
Also, last Thursday night (when it was like 18 degrees out) I convinced Jonny to let us open one gift! I was pretty convinced that Jonny had bought me a nice robe and matching slippers since that's what I wanted and he dropped several hints, not to mention the big fluffy package that was under the tree! I knew I could get some great use out of it now with how cold the weather's been. I was right... I got the best robe ever and matching slippers! I got the robe below in a maroon color with the slippers! I let Jonny open the leather gloves I bought him to stay warm!
4 days till Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Since you're getting all your gifts open BEFORE Christmas, maybe you could come eat brunch with us on Christmas Day!!!! I LOVE the ring! I think you did a great job picking it out!


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