Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow day rambles

Thoughts and happenings over the past 4 snow days... Can you believe that the south (Greenville) got over 8inch of snow and an inch of pure ice?!?

1) I've come to love reading blogs. Not the really wordy blogs like mine, but the fun decorating or fashion blogs! My friend recently blogged about one of these blogs called Kendi Everyday. I love it. It is so inspiring in an odd way! Its just this girl who posts pictures of her outfit, everyday... it gives me the desire to dress well and make myself beautiful for myself and for my hubby. I mean, as of now, all I do is sit at home cleaning, job searching, and being a couch potato. So it's a wonderful inspiration in the morning to get off my butt and prettify myself.

2) Spending 4 days straight with my hubby has been amazing! I must admit that sometimes I forget how much I love him and how much I love quality time w/ him. We had so much fun watching movies, cuddling, playing in the snow, and just being together... this provoked the thought of 'being a better wife'. If I love him this much, I should show my love better, serve him better, care for him better, and on and on... So, I went out to the christian book store and found a book that applies to where we are in our marriage right now and I will start reading it today! I'm praying God teaches me how to love better (love God, love Jonny, and love others).
3) Some of you know we've been a little discouraged about our apartment ministry bc the lack of ppl showing up, the kids attitudes and negativity, the lack of events, and the lack of relationships... Well, God answered a prayer. Monday while Jonny and I were out playing in the snow our neighbor (the only other guy living upstairs by us and who never leaves his apartment) came out and started talking to us... the conversation immediately went to spiritual things! Jonny and him stood out in the snow for almost an hour just talking. So I went down and asked them to not freeze anymore and come up to our apt for some coffee. He stayed for another 45 mins talking about his theology and thoughts. We knew this was God opening a door for us so we jumped on the opportunity to build our relationship w/ him, so we had him over for dinner that night! Yes, some of it was small talk, some of it was religious talk, and some was just get-to-know you talk. But, it was so refreshing to know that we now have that relationship in place to actively pursue and minister too.

4) I miss photography. I wish I had people shoots to do and/or places where I could venture off to to get some nature shots... hoping and wishing for more photography in my life!

5) Nala is becoming my best friend... being home w/ no job, no school, and no way of meeting or connecting w/ people gets really tough and has started to ware on me! No exaggeration, but I have no friends or relationships here in Greenville... I continually pray that God will open doors and provide that friendship I NEED, but its still lacking! Its so frustrating when you continually put effort out there, but receive no response in return... I could go off on my vent about community and what that really means, but if you know me well then you've prob already heard it... frustration, loneliness, and sometimes depression sets in!

6) I am EXTREMELY excited to celebrate our 4 year dating anniversary/ valentines day in 3 weeks! We put away some Christmas money so we could go on a little get-away... Jonny has made reservations at a hotel in Asheville for us to go to for a night! Then we'll explore the amazing town the following day! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! :-)


  1. sounds like a fun valentine's day! getaways are much, much needed. also, really encouraging about your neighbors. God will accomplish His work-- don't be discouraged! :)


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