Saturday, February 26, 2011


So, I'm starting a new thing that I'm calling Friendview... I want y'all to know me better which means you need to meet some of my friends! Also, I want you to see how style & fashion effect everyone daily. So, I'm going to do some interviews with friends! Here's the first one...

A few months ago I had the pleasure of having my best friend, Jessy visit from VA (and I got to do a photo shoot of her). We've been best friends since the beginning of college... Can you believe it?! I'm old enough to say "my college friends" and it means that years (2) have gone by since I graduated! Crazy. But any way. Because she moved back to VA after graduation, our relationship (still just as good as ever) has become lots of tumblr updates, twitter posts, blog updates, and facebook chats! Just the other day we spent several hours chatting on facebook, which is how the new banner on my page came about. Jessy created it and continued to perfect it, sending it to me each time to see if it was perfect for the blog! Jessy studied Communications in college so she got to take a lot of all those fun classes (film and video production, web design, graphic arts, photoshop, cinematography). I'm so thankful for her and the fact that her creativity is in such a different area than mine...

This is the typical cool Jessy! Classy & real.

What wonderful personality she has. Silly & fun!

and of course, stylish.

I asked her several questions, so y'all could get to know her a little better...
What is your favorite color & why?
It always changes, but I always come back to yellow. I like that it's bright and cheerful, plus it reminds me of the sun which always raises my spirits during these winter months!
How would you describe your style?
My style is comfortable and casual. I usually just wear jeans and a t-shirt, sometimes a nice blouse. When it's warmer out I do like to wear dresses and skirts. I love unique pieces that I don't see people wear very often!
Where do you shop most often?
I love Target for their prices, and I find a lot of cute stuff at Pac Sun. Although most of their clothes are targeted towards teenagers, I love their denim and I can usually find some other things that are little more grown-up and trendy.
What is your creative outlet?
I really need to work on this! I used to write a lot but haven't in a really long time. I blog, does that count? :) I'm buying a ukulele pretty soon so I can express myself through sweet island music, and I want to learn how to knit and screen print.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Happy! I've come to realize that you don't always get the career you went to school for. The most important thing is to find something you love, even if it's just a hobby, and find someone to share it with. That's pretty much all I want.
What is your 5 year plan/goal in life?
I want to find a full-time job and move into an apartment with my adorable kitten, Cola, and then be awesome all day long. :)


  1. Ahhh thank you for this sweet post! You are my best friend and I'm so glad we stay in touch so frequently! I miss you and Jonny and I can't wait until the next time I get to visit (and you come to visit me!). I love you!! :D


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