Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The weather made me.

Shirt: Plato's (Gap)
Belt: F21
Jeans: Banana Republic Outlet

Day 26. Confession: I broke the rules of the 30 day challenge today for these comfy sandals! It was 78 degrees out and I could not resist it any longer... [I'm aware of the fact I wore an outfit VERY similar to this, here.] Now, let me explain why today was a no-effort kinda day. Well, it all started at 4am when I woke up and could not get back to sleep until 6:30am. But, it was one of those sleeps where it wasn't really sleeping since I kept waking up to every little thing! Once I got out of bed at 8:30 I had the worst headache and stomach pain from lack of sleep, so I tried to sleep on the couch! I ended up staying on the couch until 11:30... that was when I decided I desperately needed food and a shower! So I forced those things on myself... after all of that was when I picked this 'same ole' outfit (without the belt). I was going for the comfy, not wanting to leave the couch look... then I found out I was going to lunch with some friends, so I added the belt (Brixx Pizza =amazing Margarita Pizza)!! And we finished our time together with some shopping. Confession: I bought a new purse!

Here is my adorable new purse. I LOVE it. and it was only 15$.
THE END. (I need sleep)

1 comment:

  1. Such fun!! Love the pictures and LOVE the purse. Glad I talked you into it!!!


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