Saturday, March 12, 2011

A night in

Shirt: J.Crew Clearance store
Leggins: idk
Boots: Walmart

So, things have been a little crazy recently! We were cat sitting, I started 'working' this week, then my mom came in town, stayed 2 nights, my hubs got sick, we're waiting to hear some [big] news, our house is a disaster & I'm exhausted! All this to say, I'm ready for things to go back to normal! ... My hubs is still sick (this is why the pictures are taken inside; he had no energy), so we are having a night in, which typically consists of some hot drinks, tonight it is Wassail, playing cards and watching a movie! This outfit was the perfect outfit for the today, since it scored a 10 on comfort! I know that leggins can be 'immodest', but in all reality they are the most comfortable thing ever. And I know that my shirt is at that perfect length to be questionable with leggins, but I just went with it for something new! However, looking at it now, I probably won't ever wear this top with leggins again! It is a little too short for the leggins after all.

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  1. I love this outfit! I don't think the leggings are immodest at all- I thought they were skinny jeans...and you look so good in that color yellow

  2. This is an adorable, comfy outfit!


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