Monday, March 21, 2011

Date Night!

Shirt: thrifting ($1)
Dress: gift from mom
Necklace: gift from hubby (Target)
Shoes: Target

Fun fact of the day, the paisley shape was originated in India! I just learned this from Jonny's co-worker as she commented on my dress! I thought it was pretty cool... Tonight was exactly what I needed after a busy, productive day! We had an 'official' date night, dinner at Outback Steak House, [free] chocolate from Godiva, and then some hot tea and a stack of magazines at the good 'ole Barnes! So relaxing and refreshing to spend some quality time with the man I love! O, and let me tell you something else that's super exciting! Jonny's official music website is up and running! Wanna hear some good music from my hubby, go to! AND more exciting news, there will be shows updated to this site [hopefully] within the next week (keep checking back)!! You can also find him on facebook and twitter!


  1. Looks like summer is upon you! It is still winter here! summer dresses out here for a while.


  2. I love the shirt with skirt! :)


    P.S: I´m having a $100 Beauty giveaway (YSL, Chanel... etc). Just thought you might be interested! ;)

  3. Free chocolate? I was going to comment on the beautiful print, but I am totally stuck on free Godiva!
    Thanks for joining us at EBEW!


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