Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thrifting Tips - Part 1

For all of my lovely followers I have put together a
4 part series of Thrifting Tips
I am very excited to be bringing yall Part 1, today!

{Part 1: Before leaving home}

1. Pick several items you need that are key (essential) items! All of us seem to have that running list in our mind of recent things we really want or need to enhance our wardrobe. Pick a few things off the list to focus on finding during your thrift outing! [Be practical! Most likely you wont find those designer jeans you’ve been wanting, but you might find multiple floral pieces or a navy/white striped tee to create that nautical look that’s so popular!]

2. Budget, budget, budget! Yes - set a budget! I know for myself, I can always find an item that’s worth the money, being that thrift stores are so cheap. But, if I have a budget it forces me to pick things that are necessary and things that I’ll wear and utilize the most!

3. Don’t just plan on going to one thrift store! Chances are you won’t find the best deals or things you need. The more stores you go to, the more options you’ll have and the more chance you’ll have to find a great bargain! Make a list of the thrift stores in your area and plot out a route you’ll take! This helps utilize your time (and money), best!

4. Go ready and prepared to try on different clothes! Dress in easy to take off items, such as flip-flops, a simple tee or tank, and jeans! Because thrift stores sell all used items, it is essential to try on everything! No worries, part 3 of thrifting tips is specifically on ‘the fitting rooms’!

If you have questions or need things to be elaborated on, please just comment and let me know!
Now, its time to start preparing & planning for your thrift outing and check back next week for Part 2: Pulling from the rack!

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