Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Friendview: Artsy Sarah

Let me introduce you to my friend Sarah! I have known Sarah since we were both seniors in High School! I was the new girl at BL High my senior year and I remember Sarah being that sweet, shy girl who was always so creative and artsy! I envied (and still do) her talent in all areas; photography, painting, drawing, sewing, decorating, style, etc.

There was no one else we wanted to do our wedding photography but her, and she did an A-mazing job! She has such a great eye for fun poses and always gives an artsy feel to anything she puts her hands on. She is the one who took the photo in my header (it was our engagement shoot)... I'm very excited to have her do another photo shoot of me sometime soon! I won a free session from her photography blog, go check it out!

She has the cutest "daughter" ever! Her name is Juneau... And she even married her high school sweetheart (Charlie), who happens to be an amazing chef! What a perfect match, a photographer & a chef. This calls for some tasty pictures!

I went ahead and asked her a little bit about her style and life goals...

What is your favorite color & why?
My fav color (or lack of color rather) is White. Its simple, pure, clean and reflects the most light. It's a clean canvas. Green is a close runner up and tends to be the color I wear more often.

How would you describe your style?
Practical: I wear whats clean and wear whats comfortable for work rather than a cuter ensemble that might get in the way.
weird or offbeat: I don't like sticking to the rules and I'm okay with wearing things that don't match.
inconsistent: in high school I dressed like a hippy with long skirts and florals, now I like a modern and clean look but often switch up things based on my mood. A lot of my wardrobe is neutral/solid (which I am working on expanding). Skinny jeans are a staple, along with cardigans.

Where do you shop most often?
I shop very infrequently but my favorite stores are Gap and Ann Taylor loft (the clearance racks). Gap for their jeans, and Anne Taylor because the clothes last a long time (quality). Free clothes are nice too!

What is your creative outlet?
Photography for one but as it is my job, I've turned back to my art, painting and drawing as a more relaxing creative outlet. Whirring on the ol sewing machine is super fun too.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A grown up who doesn't forget what it's like to be a kid....or perhaps something along the lines of an Art Curator...or a Professional Photographer working for national geographic, or a Painter, or just plain filthy rich (hey I'm being honest).

What is your 5 year plan/goal in life?
To search for where God would like me to be...and maybe possibly, hopefully figure that out. To start a family someday and improve in my role as a wife. To travel whenever given the opportunity and to maintain and cherish the friendships I have been blessed with.

*Don't forget to go check Sarah out at her personal blog and at her photography blog!

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