Thursday, March 3, 2011

Red, White, & Blue

So sorry for the fresh out of the shower look today (little makeup & wet hair)... I got dressed and while I was getting ready to do my hair, I saw that my hand was covered in blood! From what, I have no idea! My hubs and I started the frantic look for the box of band-aids (I just bought) and never did find them after searching the entire house (& cars)! This delayed my getting ready process and by the time the hunt was over, Jonny had to head to work! He took some pictures very fast, then hoped in the car and left!

Shirt: Thrifting (Old Navy)
Belt: F21
Jeans: Plato's (Express)
Shoes: Payless Shoes

I'll say, I love the outfit, but after looking at the pics I ended up un-tucking the shirt and putting the belt on the outside of the shirt. I feel it's a little more flattering that way! I will also let you know, the shoes were picked out and bought by my lovely husband! I always know he absolutely loves something when he's willing to take the time to pick it out (and spend money on it).

Well, now I'm off to eat some wonderful Japanese food w/ an old friend! Can I just say one thing... White Sauce = A-MAZING!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's so random, blood out of nowhere is kinda scary, hope it won't happen again! ... liked the stripes and red combo, think they were meant to be mixed in, enjoy japanese!

    <3 Cess O.


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