Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sisterly love.

It is my pleasure to introduce you to my lovely sister, Sheila!! If you grew up with a sister you'll relate to and understand this post the best. My sister is fun, bubbly, silly, smart & opinionated! She is also five years older than I am... Growing up together was quite the challenge. I'll admit, we 'hated' each other! The age difference (& personality differences) caused many issues since we were constantly at different points in life (and maturity levels). We were continually fighting & bickering with each other (mostly about sharing clothes). Then she went off to college and I continued living my high school life! People always told us that once we were "adults" we would cherish each other and become "friends".... Truly, they were right! Not just friends, but best friends! My sister was/is the one person there for me through the rough times of moving, college, & marriage.

[Yep, this picture describes her crazy personality to a 'T'!]

The only down side to having her as my best friend is the fact that her & her husband live across the U.S. from us. They ended up moving to Idaho this past year to raise support for her husband's job at Youth Dynamics. So often I wish I could just call her up to go grab some coffee and get some shopping in... but at least we have Facebook & Skype to help us keep up with those daily hours of convo!

[Here we are with our wonderful husbands. They're both keepers.]

My sister is such an amazing person and such an inspiration to me that I wanted y'all to have a chance to meet her. You can keep updated on her adventures and how their ministry is going by checking out her blog here... Here's a little of what she has to say about life and style!

What is your favorite color & why?
Black. It is diverse, classic, and flattering to all styles.
How would you describe your style?
Classic and conservative
Where do you shop most often?
Where do I shop? Yep, I'll admit it, Walmart. Where would I like to shop? The Limited, Bannana Republic, Coach, and Victoria Beckham's line.
What is your creative outlet?
Sitting by a cozy fireplace. Music. Water such as streams, lakes, rivers, and the ocean. Mountains. A good book.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
The principal of a Christian school.
What is your 5 year plan/goal in life?
To get a masters in Education and/or Leadership. To have 2 adorable kids and to be right where God wants me.

-Here's to the best sister in the world!!!-

1 comment:

  1. I sat here reading this about your precious sister with tears in my eyes. It sounds so much like the relationship I had with my sister growing up. Terrie is 8 years older than me though. We had NOTHING in common. But now, we are best freinds too. My sister lives in PA and I wish too that we could just call each other up and go have some coffee. I love her with all my being. There is NOTHING like a dear sister. My one question.....why do we have to live so far apart? Back in the olden days, families lived close and right down the road, never hundreds of miles away!! I loved this Blog, Mandy. It made my day!!


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