Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear to my heart

Shawl & Scarf: Florence, Italy Market
Jeans: Banana Republic Outlet
Boots: Christmas present (Bakers)

This past Saturday night the hubs and I had a coffee date downtown! It's rare for us to head into the busyness and hustle 'n bustle of downtown (esp at night), but we did! And I must admit that I absolutely loved it. I love the 'city' feel and people watching... Well, this is the outfit I wore! As I mentioned in a previous post, my dad went on his annual trip to Italy several weeks ago and the shawl and scarf combo is what he brought me back! I'm not sure I pulled it off with this outfit, but I love how comfortable and warm it was!

{Moving into a personal post} The day after my dad returned from Italy, we found out that he was offered the new job he'd been hoping for... In Omaha, NE (where I grew up)... 20 hours away from us! This was such great news, but at the same time a heartbreak for J and I, since we'd be losing them to the midwest! It's been a struggle to process through it all and what it actually means for them to be leaving... especially for me. I have never been over an hour away from the rescue of my parents, especially my mom whether its just to go grab a bite to eat or go shopping. I think what makes it even harder is the fact that I already lost by best friend, my sister, this year too. She moved to Idaho with her hubby and now, I'm losing the only other person who truly knows me, my mom! For me and J it's kind of weird to think that my closest family member will be over 20 hours away from us... this means we'll be saving every penny to be able to fly out and see them whenever we'd like... But in reality (and beyond my feelings) this move is going to be such an amazing thing for both my mom and dad! My dad worked at a University for years (and loved it), so that us kids could afford to get a great education (aka a free education). But, now that we're all out of college, it is time for him to move on. Therefore, he'll be going to work on the pastoral staff at home church back in Omaha! I'm very excited for them and this new journey (& a little jealous that they'll be going back to where I grew up & where I still have amazing friends)... Also, be praying for J and I as it brings a new journey & adaptations for us as well! I could continue writing so much more about this topic, but I sit here with tears in my eyes as I write... so I'll leave it at that!


  1. Don't you feel so much more special when your wearing things that are foreign, what's the deal with feeling all hoity toity when something is from Peru, who knows but I do it:) Love the scarf...not just because it's from italy:)
    Wearing It On My Sleeves

  2. Thanks for sharing!....and did dad get me one also????!!!!!

  3. What a wonderful Dad you have! I love the shawl and scarf!! I know I'm not your mom but KNOW that I am here for you!!! I love you and want to spend more time with you!


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