Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rants & Rambles

{This is my lovely "new" summer office... I sit here, wasting the days away!
It's so refreshing & relaxing.}

I'll start with my rant and get it over with...
- I'm going to complain a little even though I know I shouldn't... my complaint is that the air vent in our bedroom is not working, which leads to very hot & sticky nights where I can not sleep! We complained to maintenance and their solution to the problem was to simply close all the other vents in the apartment, so that the air flow goes directly to the bedroom... this still did not work! It made the front room just as hot and it proved that the air was not coming through the vent to the bedroom... all this to say, I don't know if I'll survive summer if this is not fixed soon! I mean, being hot{sticky/sweaty} and having lack of sleep?!? This is ultimate torture for me...  Well, maybe that's a little exaggerated, especially considering the fact that I did survive an entire year living in a house that had NO a/c & NO heat... so I guess life goes on and I remain hot and sleepless... & grumpy!  

Anywho...  some rambles & thoughts that have been going round & round in my head...
- Don't you just love my new office!? This porch has been my new safe haven the past month. The weather's perfect for long hours spent outside, relaxing with some fresh air & a cool drink! I absolutely love it & it's where you'll most likely find me all summer (if I'm not at the pool)...

- I drove by the elementary school yesterday & today, and guess what day it was? - FIELD DAY - It brought back instant memories from my childhood and made me wish I could go back in time! O, how I long to be a kid again... worry-less, confident, trusting, free, no responsibilities,  adventurous, full of energy & joy... don't you remember those great days? and the wonderful field days where you spent the afternoon with all your friends playing awesome games outside?... *ahem*

- I seriously want to start my own little boutique... I've been pondering the idea for months now and today it really sunk in! We went in a brand new store that has only been open 3 days & it was exactly what I've been wanting to do! I just looked around and thought to myself, "If they can do it, why can't I?" and in all honesty, as I said that I was thinking to myself, "and I could do so much better"... not in a prideful way, but in the sense that I know how I would do it to make it more relevant {stylish} than just another used clothing store! ... I love thrifting & I always find amazing things at great prices. I want to put that to use by allowing those that don't like thrifting to still be able to find the same great deals (through me)! ... the downfall is, of course, it takes money! ... sometimes I wish I wasn't just a dreamer. I wish I was an actor/ do-er! ... and that I would win the lottery... maybe some day!

- Another huge thought I've been having (and have had people remind me) is that I NEED to get back into photography... Man, I miss it! It's always been an outlet for me to see and explore God's beauty! And I've come to see that I'm really not that bad at it. I have that silly complex that I see whatever I do, worse than it really is... My sister used some old photos I took as her blog post the other day, and when I saw them I didn't remember taking them. I thought to myself, "those are too good to be my photo's". But, they were mine. And I just need to gain more confidence & get out there & enjoy it again! Perhaps, you'll be seeing a little more of my photography on here!

- O, I also must let you know, I'm very proud of myself! I have been logging my calories to to try & eat healthier to lose several pounds... I've been consistent & have logged for 26 days straight, only going over on calories 1 time (by less than 100)! And I have officially lost 5lbs... I'm so proud of myself (for staying committed) that today is going to be my first splurge day!! I'm eating whatever I want, whenever I want! ... Hello Easter candy (that's been sitting there tempting me)!!

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