Friday, May 13, 2011

Extra motivation?

I'm back at it. Happy Friday's Fancies! ... sorry I missed last week, I was too caught up in the wedding I was helping with! Today I went with a dressy/casual look (well, that's an oxymoron). Let me explain, I'm in a {very} lounging around mood, but I know I have a ton to get done before we leave this weekend. My theory was that a cute dressier outfit would give me extra motivation to get out there and get things done! So far, not so much... I'm still sitting here on the couch playing around with my photography blog (since blogger was down) & trying to find some good (free) photo editing software!  Confession, currently I don't really edit my photo's beyond the basic cropping, black & white or boosting color... Suggestions for software? Yes, please... send them my way.

 Friday's Fancies

O, & go check out more Friday's Fancies @ {av's}!!


  1. I have an old copy of Photoshop if you want it. It's for PC, though. I may have a copy of PS Elements, too.

  2. is supposed to be pretty good, and pretty close to photoshop. i've never used it, though.

  3. I'll second on gimp, its a lot like photoshop and free. I used it for a while with no problems and there are plenty of tutorials if you get stuck.

  4. Looks like you should eat outside at a restaurant or cafe in that outfit! Loving those shorts!

  5. gimp is definitely the best. i've even heard from photoshop users that it's potentially better...

  6. ahhh! I'd missed your Friday's Fancies posts! I hope the wedding you worked on went well :) I can't get enough of the coral pops in this outfit, especially the necklace. SWOON. Can't wait to see another outfit from you this week! xoxo {av}


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