Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday's Fancies

Happy Friday!!
I'm linking up with {av} for Friday's Fancies! And it feels good to be back!
Lately, my go-to outfits have all involved a simple button-up shirt. So, I figured what better than to incorporate a nice gingham shirt into my 'wish list'. I think they're absolutely adorable and comfy! You know me, all about the comfort level! Especially for a busy weekend like we have coming up... Tomorrow will be full of graduation parties, a book releasing party, & packing! Once Monday gets here, we're off again. Well, kinda. We're driving up the road about 15 miles to a really nice house that has a big screen tv, bad mitten net, a grill, a neighborhood pool, bikes, & two dogs waiting for us to take care of them! Yep - we'll be house-sitting for the next two weeks while some friends explore Ireland (so jealous). It will actually be more of a vacation for us than any kind of duty. We're pretty excited for another little get-away! I'll be spending most of my time on bike rides & at the pool!

What does your weekend look like?!


  1. Hi Mandy! Thank you for visiting! Don't you wish we could buy everything we create :) Love the necklace in your set~ so much fun! Enjoy your weekend! Ava xo

  2. I adore those shoes, have an awesome weekend!


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