Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 2: where's my partner when I need him?

Shirt & necklace: Forever21
Jeans: Plato's Closet (Express)
Shoes: Walmart

Two things I'd like to address here... First, clearly it is not easy taking your own outfit pics & it is not so fun using a laptop that's not yours and you're not use to using! My husband has left me here in Columbia (without the laptop) to do some painting and home repairs for my parents! I'm stuck working with no escape; no car or anything. I sure do miss him a lot & could have used his mad photography skills today. But, life goes on & I did what I could! Second, there's a story behind this necklace! Another bragging moment on my hubby. When I had all my items picked out & was ready to pay at Forever21, he looked at me and said "you need this necklace". My response, "I already have everything I want and no more money, so I can't..."! And the next thing I know, he has it in his hands and is buying it as an extra bday gift! He is too funny. I guess if he knows he likes something, he really knows... and now I'll leave you with a couple pictures of what I've been working on the past couple days!

 Stripping wallpaper in 2 bathrooms...

and painting them! Both bathrooms are stripped & painted...
 the new project is trying to sponge/rag paint the second bathroom to cover up some awful drywall problems we discovered once the wallpaper was down!! 

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