Monday, June 20, 2011

It was & is no fun.

The 'official' final picks are what were previously posted, minus the 'maybes'! AND these new lovelies from Forever21... 2 Shirts, a tank, & shorts = 27 items. Therefore, I'll also be adding another tank, shirt, & another pair of shoes (not pictured)!

And here's outfit #1...

Shirt: Marshals
Cami: Express
Jeans: PacSun
Shoes: Walmart

fyi: this may be a little to much info...
As you can tell I'm still in pain & have a swollen face from all the dental procedures I had done Friday... no fun! Especially since the big surprise from the hubby was spoiled & couldn't happen. The sedation meds make me very sick & nauseous, so much so I couldn't keep anything in my stomach that I ate OR drank that day. We attempted date night & I was feeling perfectly fine, until we pulled into our parking spot. Then all of a sudden I was nauseous (instantly) & 5 seconds later the parking garage wall was showered with water & such that I had consumed that day... with that said, of course we turned around & went home so I could go to bed... once again, no fun! However, the hubs did tell me that we were going to go to a nice fancy restaurant (that I'd never heard of) & to the play Sherlock Holmes! Now, we're hoping that we can exchange out tickets for this Thursday night & try our date again...     

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