Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 9: floral & lace

Shirt: F21
Jeans: Banana Republic Outlet
Shoes: Thrifting

Day 9. I was all giggles taking these pictures, as you can see. & I'm not sure I even have a reason why! Perhaps because I felt awkward taking pictures in front of my Bible study!? The other night we were in a hurry to take pictures but we also had to be to some friends for dinner & Bible study. So, of course we just took the camera with us... and while taking pictures in the backyard, everyone followed us out there to see how we usually do it. There's really no method behind our shoots, just me standing there & J clicking about 10 shots! It's done within minutes... me just standing there was definitely the awkward part! But, I know these gals & appreciate them so much that it was good for me to be awkward in front them, esp. before we dove into discussing life and it's awkward craziness right now!

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