Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 8: a twist on casual

Shirt: Target
Necklace: friend brought it back from Ireland
Jeans: PacSun
Shoes: Target

Day 8. Here's yet another comfy outfit of mine... I knew I'd be cooped up all day with nothing to do besides waste away on Pinterest, so I decided to go casual. But I knew I needed to spice it up just a little, hence the little twist & tuck going on with the tee! I actually kinda fell in love with this twist because it actually made a t-shirt somewhat flattering... I suggest everyone give it a try!! O, & this lovely necklace? Yep, some good friends brought it back from Ireland for me. How cool is that! I love that I can say I have a unique piece of jewelry from Ireland!! They kept calling it the "blue egg"...

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