Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday's Fancies

Friday's Fancies

It's been a while since I've been able to link up with {av} for Friday's Fancies, so I'm super excited to contribute this lovely get-up to pay tribute to maxi's & to the dreamy styles of Fall!! As you can tell, I'm loving brown leather with a pop of color, right now... & O man, I can't wait to wear jackets, hats & boots! I'm wishing away summer & hoping for Fall weather, soon!!

Today, I'm off to take the poor hubby to the doctor! You know he's really sick when he wakes me up at 6:45am to tell me he called into work & needs me to get him into the doctor soon. Poor poor guy. I think the busyness & chaos of July has caught up to him... 

*head on over & 'like' my look by clicking below!


  1. Oh no! I hope your husband is feeling better!!!

  2. love that skirt! really makes the white top and the brown accessories pop! great outfit

  3. Love that color combo - the green is amazing for fall! Stopping by from FF and a new follower! Hope you'll stop by!


  4. not going to lie i am PRETTY excited about fall... this outfit is so pretty.. .i love the kelly green skirt! xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  5. Oh, the brown leather...LOVING IT! What a perfect ensemble! Happy Friday!

  6. Perfect green maxi!! Love the camel accessories with it!!


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