Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday's Fancies

{av} must be reading my mind & my schedule when she plans these weekly themes because the past few times they have lined up perfectly! Today's theme is Wedding Chic & it just so happens that tomorrow I am heading to a wedding to help with the photography! So, I literally have been running around all day trying to find an outfit just like my Friday's Fancies. You can't go wrong with a classic black dress that has moment, a stunning camera bag, and some simple (comfy) flats... Unfortunately, I found nothing of the sort so I am resorting to a classic black skirt with a lacy black top! Keeping it simple and black so I blend right in and draw no attention to myself! Being the second shooter takes a lot of pressure off me since I won't be in charge of the big shots, but I will be in charge of the photo booth at the reception! I'm rather nervous, I'll admit... so wish me luck!!
Friday's Fancies


  1. Very chic outfit for wedding photography! You will do great! Enjoy it and have fun!

  2. Love the dress...and love the pop of red!!

  3. So chic, I love it! x

  4. I'm sure you did a great job - really liking those shoes!


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