Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Outfit Post: Copy Cat

Shirt: Thrifting
Pants: Thrifting
Shoes: Plato's Closet

Yep - I totally copied this outfit... didn't you recognize it from LovelyPepa
I mean why not copy when I had the very items as part of my wardrobe already... and after wearing it, I remembered the total cost for the outfit was only $10!! What a steal... Shoes $8, Pants $1, Shirt $1, & the hat was a gift! You can't beat that... And let me add that Red & Tan are definitely meant to be together! They complement each other so perfectly!


  1. I like your shoes! And it IS great to not have to spend a crazy amount of money on a fun outfit!

  2. I miss seeing your outfit posts! I'm going to have to assume you've been running around naked for the month and couldn't post it on your blog ;)


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