Why am I always so surprised when God knows exactly what I need, when I need it... for instance, the incredible weather last week! And I mean, IN-CRED-IBLE!!! That cool crisp fall breeze was such a blessing from God, in more ways than one! Being that this summer has been constant rain, we've been extra cooped up around here, making us just a little stir-crazy. So, those short three days where the temperature was more than bearable was absolutely perfect for our souls! And what a sweet reminder it was to see just how much my little guy loves the outdoors! Not to mention, those same three days were the exact timing that my AC went out in my car. I'm so thankful it did not go out on one of the scorching, muggy, rainy days where we wouldn't be able to roll the windows down or bear the heat & muggy air... God knew that my son & I could not have handled it for one second if there wasn't a change in the weather. There's His perfect timing again! What a blessing it is to have a providing loving God...
And a God of Hope! Yes, I'm going to say it, that weather brought me so, so much hope! Hope that a new season is just around the corner! A new season of adventure, joy, peace, & new memories... & favorite things like warm sweaters, hot soups, fires, warm drinks, festive pumpkin treats, changing colors & scenery, apple picking & I could go on & on & on... Oh, how fall is definitely my favorite time of year! And I can't wait for its arrival...
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