Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Santa has been to our home!

I came home on Friday after work to find my stocking completely full and tons of presents under the tree! What a wonderful and exciting surprise. Ever since then, I've been telling everyone that Santa has already been to our home...

The more I continued to say this phrase the more meaningful it became! Not only was our Christmas shopping done that day, but God provided a FREE washer and dryer for us through some generous mutual friends. The phrase became more of a parallel to Christ already providing everything for us. HE is the ultimate provider and has already paid for everything on the cross and has already given us more than we could ask for (physically/emotionally/spiritually) here on earth!

Jonny and I are continually looking back at our first year and a half of marriage and are in awe of how big our God is and how generous and providing he truly is! We can not claim anything as our own. literally. Almost everything in our apartment was given to us, not to mention the apartment itself (given to us), and now our car & washer & dryer!

After reading through previous blogs I found that I forgot to mention the amazing story of the car... As most of you know Jonny's car broke down about 2 months ago and shortly after I lost my job. Gods provision was such an amazing thing throughout this time! When Jonny's car broke down we were researching and looking into buying a new car (used w/ low miles) as a family car. Jonny sent out a prayer request to some leaders in the church to help with direction through this big decision and step. Through that email a family responded and offered us their 1990 Oldsmobile for FREE. They had no use for it and it was sitting in their garage! We decided we would take it and wait until our tax return for the new car. A week after deciding to take it was when I was laid off. God knew I was going to be laid off and knew we would not have the same income to pay the payments of the new car, so he provided a new way for us... God is good!

Jonny is still driving the Oldsmobile and it has been such a provision for us! I could go on and on about how amazing God is and how much he has blessed us and provided for us in many different ways...

I hope this is a reminder of who God is, what he's already done, and what he continues to do for his people!

1 comment:

  1. This is great. I'm really happy you guys are having a good christmas.


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