Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Our Thanksgiving was extremely relaxing and peaceful!
Full of wonderful food and time with family!

For the first time ever, I made HOMEMADE Mac N Cheese!
I have recently realized how much I love baking and cooking!
It has become a new hobby of mine!

Following Thanksgiving Jonny and I both worked CrAzY retail hours that were completely opposite of each other. Between the two of us we worked black friday from 5:30am - 11:30pm! However, not being able to spend much time together lately has made us appreciate each other more and appreciate the time we do have together (ie. I woke up this morning to the wonderful smell of pancakes and my amazing hubby providing me with the best breakfast before he left for work)!


  1. that mac and cheese looks delish. glad ya'll had a great thanksgiving!

  2. Looks yummy! I am yet to find a good homemade Mac N Cheese recipe (though I have tried several)... want to share yours? = )

    Miss you all and love you lots!


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