Friday, January 28, 2011

Spring is on its way!

Here goes Day 1!! I must admit that today was very easy to pick out my outfit, simply because I picked it out last week when I was so inspired and I've already worn it and received the best compliment on it from my husband! So why not start off with a good outfit...

I don't know if you can tell in the picture that it is a purple sweater with a lime green tank under it! Today was the perfect day for the tank because it's almost 60 degrees out and it's absolutely gorgeous outside! I even drove around with my windows down... Here comes Spring time! ... And I say that, hoping that I don't jinx it and we get another week of snow! Cross your fingers bc I'm so ready for some warm sunshine and hanging out at park.

Sweater: Thrifting
Tank: Old Navy
Skinny jeans: Banana Republic Outlet
Belt: Christmas
Shoes: Walmart

I can see God already using this 30 day experience for good in my life! It's so awesome to know, love, and serve a God who supports me and has made me who I am! He is continually changing and refining me, so that not only do I love Him more, but also that I can love others better! If you would have asked me 2 weeks ago how I was doing , I would have said on the verge of depression and having strong feelings of worthlessness. I feel as though God placed this challenge in my life, not solely for the 'fashion' aspect of it (even though God knows I love and enjoy that), but for the encouragement to wake up in the mornings with excitement and hope! No more sleeping all the time wasting away in this lonely apartment. God has awoken a desire in me to wake up on time, learn more about Him, see His beauty throughout the day, and understand more of who He is making me to be! For the next 30 days I don't want this blog to only be about fashion, but I want it to reflect the work that Christ is doing in me and through me!


I must add that after this post I will no longer be announcing my blog updates on facebook, so if you want to follow along these next 30 days then you might want to 'follow' this blog to get notified when there's updates!


  1. Mandy, I'm LOVING following your fashion stuff (and that's totally not me, so it's saying a lot :)

    Prov. 31
    "... her clothing is fine linen and purple." v. 22
    "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come." v. 25

    - Sara (NOT Jim haha!)

    Both describe you, my sweet friend. It IS so encouraging to think about God pleased with us embracing the gifts he's given. Keep it up!


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