Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nala says Hi!

Shirt: Thrift
Jeans: Banana Republic
Boots: Walmart
earrings: Target

Day 14. My precious Nala decided she wanted to make an appearance today! So, she came in the pictures to say hi to everyone! Isn't she absolutely adorable. I love her to pieces! ...
To my surprise, my wonderful hubby was able to take my pictures today! He woke up at 4:30am to be at work by 6 and was suppose to be there until 4:30pm! I took my morning slow, knowing I had the entire day to myself, but at 9:30am he walked in the door! Scared me like crazy. I thought someone was breaking into our apartment. Nope, it was him! I guess he had to be at work so early bc of the big release of the iPhone to Verizon, but to their surprise they didn't have any customers and had 20 employees there. My husband was sent home early and got the day off!!! Having him home allowed for a relaxing but very productive day! We accomplished many things that we've been putting off and putting off. Good to know things are accomplished!!

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