Thursday, March 17, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

- No photo post! I'm extremely tired from driving home after the Swap in Cola last night and have no energy. Not only that, but I had no energy to get dressed this morning, so I reverted back to the my college days, a hoodie and blue jeans!
- Going shopping in really nice stores when you're wearing jeans and a hoodie. People usually don't like to help you b/c they don't think you'll actually buy anything!
- Waking up with major allergies and having that feeling like your eyes are swollen shut and you can't breath. Not to mention, the feeling like you have to sneeze all the time so you're constantly making a funny face!
- Everything about the Style Swap last night. Man, o man, was it a letdown! Being crammed into a tiny room with over 100 ppl and nothing to do!
- Feeling so out of place and having no idea what you are suppose to be doing and even worse, having to ask someone what to do!
- Driving to Columbia early to see old friends, but no one having time to catch up or get coffee! What a lonely day this made.

- Coming home late at night to my wonderful hubby and falling asleep next to each other!
- Winning 4 items at the swap, actually getting something for my money.
- Eating Godzilla Rolls (tempura sushi) at Miyo's while in Columbia.
- Very briefly, seeing Sarah at Starbucks. And having her tell me that 1) I won a photo shoot from her and 2) that she'll let me tag along at some weddings she's shooting so I can get some more experience! (it made my day)
- Reading 1 Peter for Bible Study tonight.
- Having my sister done traveling so we can have our daily Skype convos!
- Knowing that my dad will return from Italy this next week and will most likely be bringing me something back (it's always a fun surprise)!! :-)
- Sitting on the couch with my puppy and drinking a big mug full of hot vanilla honey tea!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, this comment's a little late, but oh well. I completely agree about the "Going shopping in really nice stores when you're wearing jeans and a hoodie. People usually don't like to help you b/c they don't think you'll actually buy anything!" I kinda feel they think I'm going to steal something when I don't dress up to go shopping. Oh well.
    And, Miyo's in Columbia = good! One of my professor's took me and my husband there for dinner! He was so sweet!


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