Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Favorite Things...

My current favorite things!!
1) Sandals that are heels! I know, I'm probably crazy for admitting this, but the word sandals always meant flip-flops to me. Never did I consider heels to be in the sandal's category, until about a week or two ago when I started seeing some adorable shoes like those in the picture! You can find those at Target! I absolutely adore them and am saving my pennies so I can have a nice pair of 'heel sandals' for this Summer!
2) Vanilla yogurt and granola. O my goodness, can I just say delicious!?! It is my new favorite snack and I don't know why I just now discovered it! Growing up I loved the flavor of yogurt but hated that it had chunks of fruit it in (that always ruined it for me), so I never ate it! Recently, I bought some vanilla yogurt from Trader Joes and fell in love with it. Then one day I decided to do what everyone else does and put a little of my cereal (vanilla almond granola - from Trader Joes) in it... instantly I had a new favorite! (image found on Google images)
3) Beta Radio. Fabulous music and I think everyone should check them out! My afternoons usually consist of listening to their new album, eating my yogurt and drinking my tea!! Now that's a perfect afternoon.
4) Maxi dresses! O, how I can't wait for mine to come out of hiding once it gets warm outside! These dresses are wonderful because they can be casual or dressy and no matter what, they're comfortable and flattering! The one pictured is from Target and I fell in love with it when I realized its one that is convertible to wear other ways. So really, its a 3 in 1 dress (maybe even more)!
5) I first tried honey vanilla tea from a variety pack we bought for a gathering. The instant I tasted it, it was my new favorite tea. So we searched every grocery store we entered, but never found a box of just that flavor (it was always more variety packs). But my mother-in-law happened to find some at Walmart for me. The box was gone in a week! Finally, I got enough energy to go to Walmart (we never go there) to buy myself some more. There were 2 boxes of it on the shelf, so I bought both boxes. Later the same night, my hubby came home with a surprise... two boxes of my favorite tea! So, now I am stocked up on this tea for several weeks!

Don't forget to go and vote on my 'remix' outfit... I'm going to submit it early Friday morning, so all votes should be in by then!! - Thanks

1 comment:

  1. i'm with you on the vanilla yogurt with granola, it has always been a fav!!


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