Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fancy Hats & Tea Party

I must admit that I am kicking myself over that fact I didn't make a bigger deal over the Royal Wedding! And for not even seeing the entirety of it, yet! I regret not throwing a party and waking up early to see this once in a life time event (for my generation).

But, after watching tid-bits of the Wedding and seeing all the amazing hats, I have had this overwhelming desire to go out and buy one for myself! Now, I know that in America I'd probably be looked at like a crazy if I wore it out, so I've been daydreaming about a little party that I could possibly throw to have an excuse to wear it...

I have always wished that I could become a party planner because I always have so many idea's running around in my head! Different events, parties, & get-togethers that I could plan & host! The only hold ups are 1) I don't have enough friends or know enough people to have a successful party & 2) I don't really have all the $ to make it all that it could be!

But, a girl can dream, right?! My dream has been to throw & host a very elegant tea party! And after seeing all the amazing hats, I decided what better to incorporate those & the elegant dress code into my tea party! Can't you imagine it?? Several fancy women dressed up in their best hats and dresses coming together for afternoon tea! Each person would get their own fancy china tea cup & saucer to keep! And there would be several different kinds of tea to try, accompanied with scones, petit fours, mini sandwiches, etc.

What a fun afternoon this would be, spending quality time with friends and feeling like such elegant woman that we are!!

Have you ever desired to host or attend an event like this? If so, what have you dreamt about it?


  1. hi! i commented a few entries ago asking about thrift stores in greenville. i went to a miracle hill yesterday and a goodwill (i'd never been to miracle hill before!) and i found 4 skirts and a dress! and one of the skirts fits perfectly already! thanks for your help!!

  2. Did you see my post on Laura's tea room? It's a shop where you do just what you described.

  3. I'd love to go to a tea party! I definitely need some more girl time in my life.
    And here's the link where all of us that missed the Royal Wedding could watch it together:

  4. I saw the whole wedding. But, all I can say is...."Please don't get a hat like Beatrices!!!" Oh my what was she thinking!! I thought maybe it was a game that you could throw balls through! but anyway, I lOVE the idea of a tea party. Dressing up in our finest, with hats of course, and using the beautiful cup and saucers! Jaci, I am really missing you girls! Need ya in my life!


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