Thursday, June 23, 2011

Attempt # 2

Maxi dress: Marshals
Blazer: Thrifted (Isaac Mizrahi for Target)
Shoes: Walmart

Day 4: Here's to attempting date night for a second time... it's not going to be as fancy as the original surprise was planned since we don't have reservations at a nice restaurant. But we will be eating out at Chipotle & then attending the play 'Sherlock Holmes'! I'm super excited because one of my favorite things is musicals & plays... & it's even that much better when you get to see them LIVE! I haven't been to one in years & when I say years I mean I can't even remember the last time I saw one... but before we're off on that wonderful date, we are going to venture to search high & low for a pair of Oxford shoes for me, since that was the main thing I wanted from Forever21 & they had sold out of all of them... wish us luck that no mishaps like last Friday night interfere with this lovely evening! 

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