Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday's Fancies

It's Friday & the hubs & I are off on a day date! Last nights date  to the theater was so much fun that we thought we should go out again today! So, we're off to the zoo to spend as much time together before I leave him next week for two whole weeks. We decided on the zoo because we've never been to the GVille zoo. Which is crazy because in college we spent most of our time at the zoo in Columbia! We just love the zoo... I tried to keep my Friday's Fancies look casual & zoo-esque, but with that extra 'cute' appeal since it is a date, afterall! The outfit all started with these A-MAZING shorts, which are to die for. And then it kind of evolved from there! If you like the look, be sure to go 'like' my post over on {av's} page by clicking the button at the bottom! and I hope your weekends are as fun & exciting as we hope ours will be!

Friday's Fancies


  1. LOVE!! Those shorts need to be in my closet asap! I'm heading over to 'like' it now.

  2. very cute outfit and perfect for a summer day at the zoo!

  3. Cute outfit! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Looks like a safari inspired outfit with those striped shorts and fedora! Love it! Have a fabulous time at the zoo! What a great date!!


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