Sunday, July 17, 2011

This is my favorite pedicure I've ever had! & the hubs has agreed numerous times that this is his fav. color on my toes... Thanks go to my mom for this lovely gift yesterday. It was a thank you for all my hard work the past two weeks at her house! It was so nice to sit down & relax in a massage chair while someone massaged my feet, esp. after such long hours of stretching & pulling muscles to paint several rooms & nooks & cranny's! 

But now that those two weeks are over, I'm home for less than 24 hours to pack my stuff up again & head for family vacation... We leave today for Fripp Island! I'm hoping to get some relax time in, along with all the family time we'll be having!! It's a bummer to think (& know in the back of my head) that we'll only be there 3 whole days... I'm hoping for some good naps on the beach, bike rides, & time with my hubs before we leave for the big 20 hour drive & move on Friday!!  

I'm hoping the beach will be somewhat dreamy like this & I'll be able to live in the moment with no worries, fears, or anxieties...
(image from

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