Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weekend Recap

I have been here in Columbia for over a week now... 
My duties consist of house/cat-sitting & painting, packing, etc. to ensure that my parents move will take place next week! A week from tomorrow morning the moving truck pulls up and takes all of their belongings on the trek halfway across country! Kinda crazy to think about since that means they'll be staying halfway across country... 22 hours away from us! 

Since mom & me have sooo much stuff to accomplish this week, we decided to take one last get-away trip last Friday! Of course we decided to hit the beach one last time before she moved. After all, there are no beaches close by in Nebraska {since it's in the middle of no-where}! We spent the day thrifting & antiquing in Charleston & then ended the trip with a walk on the windy beach!

{What an amazing thing to know, that every day we are creating new memories & 'pictures' in our minds! Remembering the moments of the joy & love in life... }

So, now here I am apologizing once more for being m.i.a as I continue with the painting & packing that is at hand! And then this weekend I will be heading out to Fripp Island for a mini family vacation {with the hubby's side} & I'm hoping that will be a nice relaxing time before we hit the road for Omaha with my mom next Friday!! 
I truly hope to be back soon....

1 comment:

  1. aha I was waiting for Friday Fancies but I guess the only wish for the beach is a good book and a bathing suit!


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