Monday, September 26, 2011

Outfit Post: Red, White & Blue

Shirt: Thrifting
Pants: Thrifting
Shoes: Charlotte Russe

I'm a little late on the bandwagon with RED pants... but late is better than never, right? I found these lovely ones at Goodwill last week for two bucks, so of course I jumped on that deal! & I forgot how comfortable jeggings are until I wore them to work this weekend. So comfy cozy... The husband said I looked too American in this outfit bc of the red, white, & blue theme going on. But I truly believe navy is the perfect color to offset bright red, so I had to pair the pants with this comfy shirt! Who cares that it's not the Four of July, I can still show some American love, right? OR better yet, just dress cute with out showing tribute it to anything!!

Meet Virginia Design


  1. Love those pants! you find the coolest stuff...I don't think it looks to american actually


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